Well, I finally stopped the important stuff, and got around to my errands.
First I went to the church my Mamia (mum) works in the office at, since I could use their phones, internet and printing services for freeeeeeeeeeee! (giddy twirling!)
I had issues with the online forms I was filling out so I rang the hotline.
This is how I spent the next 40 minutes.

Finally I sorted that out. And by sorted, I mean, finally got onto someone who told me there was a technical difficulty which their IT department would 'soon get around to.' And by THAT, they mean I'll probably have to wait till I'm 60 to actually get what I need to done. Brilliant.
So I leave there and head to the police station to get some forms signed. I walk in and there's no one around.Also no bell to ring.
All those movies where the police station gets taken over start popping into my brain, and I wonder who I should call if the police are unable to help, cos I'm pretty sure the A Team are only American.... And Chuck Norris might take awhile to get over, and then he may be jet lagged....
While I'm pondering this, the door opens, and out walks Mc Copper.

Ok, so in all honesty, I can't remember exact details, all I remember is he was good looking. I'm pretty sure my picture helps though.
Anyway, I pull out my licence to show my ID, and I pull out two. Yeah, I have two. I got sent two, even though I only paid for one. The folk people who give out licences made a mistake, so now I have the one I paid for, and a spare-ie.
So, I ask him what I should do about it.
His response was 'yeah, you should probably hand that one back in. Otherwise it could get used as a fake ID. Not that I'd care. I mean, I had one. So, your call really.'
I almost giggled at the irony. The cop telling me about fake ID's.
We chat for a little bit, while he does his stamping and signing. And then it's my turn to sign, and I have to go over and get to the paper he's holding still for me.

I forgot how to write my signature. I started it, then kind of drew a line, then kept going... I just got a little confused.
Once I awkwardly did sign my name, he gave me a winning smile, he wished me luck and a great week (which I grinned at - how sweet!) and I walked out the door, taking extra care to not walk into it, and double checking that it said push and not pull so I could exit with some grace.
I went home and then did important stuff. Actually, I did do some productive stuff!
YAY! Actually, I was a little inspired by Mc Copper. So I did some work.
And then I worked out, cos I felt like that was necessary too...
And now I need sleep. And a new reason to swing by the local cop shop. Or get them to me..... Hmmmmm.
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